
Romans swipes
Romans swipes

romans swipes

The powder-blue sky above is scattered with butter-yellow and light gray clouds. Rolling, teal-blue land along the horizon could be hazy mountains. A sketchily painted landscape beyond the group has trees with dark brown trunks and sage-green leaves along the left edge, leading back to a line of trees in the distance. The man in the gray helmet holds aloft a flag painted with vertical swipes of scarlet red and ginger brown. Two of them wear crested helmets, one olive green, the other charcoal gray, both with gold ornamentation on the front. The rest of the men stand in profile, filling the right side of the composition, and they lean in toward Decius Mus. The man just beyond him, to our left, faces us and holds a gold staff topped with an eagle set within a round laurel wreath.


A parchment-brown animal skin speckled with brown spots covers the back of his head and wraps around his armor and tunic. The man closest to us has gray hair and stands with his back to us. Calf-high, brown boots cover their feet but leave their toes exposed. They wear knee-length tunics and cloaks in brick red, olive green, black, or tan, and three wear armor protecting their upper bodies. They are also bearded and muscular, and each holds a golden staff topped with a different symbol.

romans swipes

The other five men stand clustered together on the ground to our right, facing Decius Mus. In the upper left corner, an eagle with one wing extended hovers behind Decius Mus’s head, clutching long peach and straw-colored strands in its talons. Piled against the pedestal in the lower left are spears, battle axes, a silvery-gray shield covered with gold lightning bolts, and an ornate crested helmet. A sword hangs from his waist, and a scarlet-red cape flaps behind him. He wears a knee-length toga, and form-fitting armor covers his torso. The man on the platform, Decius Mus, stands with his ruddy face turned to our right in profile, his muscular right arm raised and right foot extended. Some of the men are light-skinned, others are tan. A bearded man with copper-blond hair and flushed, peachy skin stands on a stone-gray pedestal and gestures toward a group of five more men gathered before him in this square painting.

Romans swipes